Odessa, TX 31.8328202, -102.3412344

Odessa, TX – Injuries Reported in Multi-Vehicle Crash on I-20 Near Moss Rd

Odessa, TX (December 5, 2024) – A crash involving multiple vehicles occurred early Thursday morning, December 5, on I-20 near Moss Road in West Odessa, leaving several individuals with injuries. , Odessa, TX – Injuries Reported in Multi-Vehicle Crash on I-20 Near Moss RdThe crash happened in the westbound lanes of I-20, with Odessa Police Department officers responding to the scene. The exact number of vehicles involved has not been disclosed, but reports indicate the collision resulted in injuries among those present. Emergency crews assisted at the scene, providing first aid and evaluating the condition of the injured. The injured were transported to a nearby medical facility for further treatment. The Odessa Police Department has launched an investigation into the cause of the crash. As authorities gather information, further details are expected.

Our thoughts are with those injured, and we hope for their swift and full recovery.

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