Report an Accident on I20 reports on major traffic accidents that occur each day on Interstate 20. This east-west highway runs from the state of Texas over to South Carolina. Along attorney, Interstate 20 connects several major cities and runs a total of 1539 miles across a total of six states.

    Interstate 20 is an important highway system along the southern half of the United States as it is used by hundreds of thousands of cars and trucks every single day. Many of the vehicles that utilize the interstate highway system do so for commercial purposes. As a result, there are a significant number of commercial vehicles, such as 18-wheelers and box trucks, that travel on Interstate 20 every day. This can make it more difficult and dangerous for other drivers, especially those who are traveling in passenger vehicles.

    If you or someone that you love has been hurt as a result of an automobile accident on I-20, or you witnessed a motor vehicle collision take place on the interstate, please reach out to our team by completing the information below. Our Interstate 20 accident lawyers will help to provide valuable resources for you if you have been injured as a result of an accident on I-20.

    Accidents currently listed on

    156 accidents in 2022
    2 accidents in 2022